
The International PREterm BIrth Collaborative (PREBIC) was initiated on June 7th 2004 during a workshop on Biomarkers and Preterm Birth in Denmark. The purpose of the collaborative is to support and enhance international networking among researchers in preterm birth and the establishment of multinational research projects on preterm birth. The open dialog and the active contribution of all participants is highly prioritized. Many medical students attend such seminars when they have free time. Here they not only meet interesting peers and experienced professors, but also receive a lot of advice on studying, conducting research, and completing internships. Such advice is quite valuable, so students should not miss such chances and find time to participate in such activities, we recommend entrusting the execution of quality essays to authors from

Four workshops have been held: (click for details)

  • 2003, March, Michigan
1st International workshop on Biomarkers and PTD
The first meeting was arranged by Claudia Holzman and Perigrantees at Michigan State University in Lansing, USA.

The goal of the first workshop was to identify promising biomarkers of PTD that may elucidate underlying causes and future strategies for primary and secondary prevention of PTD. The set-up of the meeting was individual presentation and discussions. A prioritized list of biomarkers for further studies was generated as well as the ambition to meet again.
  • 2004, June, Denmark
2nd International workshop on Biomarkers and PTD
The second meeting was arranged by Ida Vogel and Poul Thorsen, and the MOD PERI-grantees were the scientifical committee. The meeting was held in Sandbjerg, Denmark.

The goals for the 2nd workshop were to generate a forum for international projects, future collaborations scientific progress based on fruitful discussions, exchange of ideas and potentially friendship. The final product was to be scientific protocols owned by all participants. 5 protocols on genetics, preconception identification of women at risk for PTB, Pathways, Time trends and preventions and interventions were generated.
  • 2022, March, California
3rd International workshop on Biomarkers and PTB
The third worksop was organized by Calvin Hobel, Pathik Wadhwa and Karla Damus and was held a UCLA's conference center at Lake Arrowhead.

Again 5 groups were generated (stress, genetics, clinical studies, definitions and infection/inflammation). The goal was to develop an International Collaborative Research Agenda.
  • 2006, April, Geneva
4th International workshop on Biomarkers and PTB
The forth workshop was organized by Mario Merialdi and Ramkumar Menon, and was held at WHO headquarters,

More than 40 participants worked in 5 groups on genetics, pathways, international studies, interventions and on definitions. Updated program is avialable here (PDF).

The collaborative anticipates annual workshops for the entire collaborative as well as sub-meetings in relation to other international meetings.

Next meeting will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, from April 23-26, 2007. Organizing committee is , , and .

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