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Previous Scientific Meetings

The conclusions, results and achievements of all the conferences described below, can be found on the website

2015 Florence, Italy

In 2015, PREBIC held its first meetings in Italy. This included the Annual Scientific Meeting in Florence as well as a one day symposium on Nutrition in Pregnancy held in Modena in collaboration with the Italian Perinatal Society (SIMP). 

2014 Geneva, Switzerland

The 2014 meeting and workshop focused on biomarkers, nutrition, systems biology, international studies and global partnerships, and translational medicine in preterm birth. The success of the Nutrition Working Group, started in 2013, inspired the creation of the new Translational Medicine Working Group who convened for the first time this year.


PREBIC 2014 groupphoto v2

2013 Geneva, Switzerland

PREBIC 2013 Geneva 12cm

2022 Geneva, Switzerland

The 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshop was attended by numerous international delegates, who focused upon:

1. Biomarkers in Preterm Birth
 Facilitators Ramkumar Menon PhD, Regina Torloni and Ritva Gustafson
2. Systems Biology in Preterm Birth
 Facilitators Craig Pennell MBBS PhD FRANZCOG CMFM and Leslie Myatt PhD
3. International Studies and Global Partnerships in Preterm Birth
 Facilitators Calvin Hobel MD, Christopher Howson PhD and David Olson PhD
4. Epidemiology of Preterm Birth
 Facilitators Siobhan Dolan MD MPH and Yogesh Shah MD PhD

Annual Meeting 2022 10cm

2011, Geneva, Switzerland
The 2011 Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshop was attended by numerous international delegates, who focused upon:
1. Biomarkers in Preterm Birth
2. Systems Biology in Preterm Birth
3. International Studies and Global Partnerships in Preterm Birth
4. Epidemiology of Preterm Birth

2010, Geneva, Switzerland
The 8th PREBIC annual scientific meeting was attended by numerous international delegates, who focused upon:
1. Epidemiology of preterm birth and intervention strategies
2. Pathways of preterm birth
3. Systems Biology in preterm birth
4. Biomarkers of preterm birth
5. Immunobiology and animal models in preterm birth
6. International studies and global partnerships in preterm birth

2009, Geneva, Switzerland
The 7th PREBIC annual scientific meeting was held in the global headquarters of the World Health Organisation. Workshops attended by delegates focused upon:
1. Biomarkers
2. Animal Models
3. International Studies – Epidemiology and Management of Preterm Birth

2008, Geneva, Switzerland
The 6th PREBIC annual scientific meeting was held in the global headquarters of the World Health Organisation.

2007, Geneva, Switzerland
The 2007 meeting of the Preterm Birth International Collaborative was convened by Dr Mario Merialdi, Dr Holger Maul, Dr Hans Helmer and Professor Ram Menon. This meeting was held at the headquarters of the World Health Organisation in Geneva, Switzerland.

2006, Geneva, Switzerland
This 2006 meeting of the Preterm Birth International Collaborative, convened by Dr Mario Merialdi and Professor Ramkumar Menon, was held at the headquarters of the World Health Organisation in Geneva, Switzerland. This meeting focused on Genetics, Pathways, International Studies, Interventions and Defenitions. In 2006, PREBIC officially attained ‘not-for-profit’ status in the United States of America.

2022, California, United States of America
The third meeting, held at UCLA in California, was convened by Professors Calvin Hobel, Pathik Wadhwa and Karla Damus.
This meeting successfully developed an agenda for future international collaborative research into the prevention of preterm birth. Five working groups were also created at this meeting, focusing upon Stress, Genetics, Clinical Studies, Definitions and Infection/Inflammation. Also, at this meeting, the formal board and governance structure were established. The inaugural PREBIC President was Professor Calvin Hobel.

2004, Sandbjerg, Denmark
The second meeting, held in Sandbjerg, Denmark, was convened by Ida Vogel and Poul Thorsen.
The workshops held at this meeting aimed to create a forum for international projects, future collaborations, scientific progress based on fruitful discussions, the exchange of ideas and potentially friendship. The final product was the initiation and development of scientific protocols owned by all participants of this meeting. The five key protocols arising from this meeting focused upon on Genetics, Preconception identification of women at risk for Preterm Birth, Pathways, Time trends and Preventions and interventions. At this meeting, the name ‘Preterm Birth International Collaborative’ was officially adopted.

2003, Michigan, United States of America
The inaugural meeting of what would become the the Preterm Birth International Collaborative, then known as the 1st International workshop on Biomarkers and Preterm Delivery, was convened by Claudia Holzman and Perigrantees at Michigan State University in Lansing, USA. The goal of the first workshop was to identify promising biomarkers of preterm birth that may elucidate underlying causes and future strategies for primary and secondary prevention of preterm birth. At this inaugural meeting, a prioritized list of biomarkers for further studies was generated, and the decision was made to meet on an annual basis.

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